셋 [set] (native)There is a numerical aspect to the nature of the Creator. God is the embodiment of the number three. Every element of creation, being a likeness of God, must pass through three stages in its existence, movement, and development. “Three” is the number of heaven.
The number “three” often manifests itself in the natural world. For example, it consists of minerals, plants, and animals. There are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gaseous; plants have the following three main parts: roots, trunk or stem, and leaves, and animals and humans have the head, trunk, and limbs.
Each finger has three joints. The whole hand, in turn, also consists of three parts: the shoulder, the forearm, and the wrist.
The number “three” also includes the concept of three dimensions. There is no harmony in a straight line. Through the number “three,” space appears.
As it is necessary to establish at least three points of support to achieve a stable position to achieve perfection, everything in creation must go through three successive stages: formation, growth and completion. Everyone must embody the number “three” in his or her life, that is, pass through these three stages. It represents the individual, the couple, and the children.
The family is the fundamental unit. It merges past, present, and future through the interrelationship of grandfather, father, and son. When a son has children and becomes a father, at that moment his father becomes a grandfather. These three generations, representing the past, present and future, must be united. Such a family would be the basis for eternal happiness.